I wish all of my readers a very Merry Christmas. Thank you for the past year. The blogger is having a Christmas brake, see you next year with new postings!
torstai 23. joulukuuta 2010
maanantai 29. marraskuuta 2010
Christmas Markets in Helsinki
It's under one month to Christmas, so this is a perfect time for making findings in design markets! Here are a few events I was thinking of visiting:
Helsinki 10 Design Markets
Eerikinkatu 3,
00100 Helsinki.
Opening hours:
Mon-Fri klo 11–19
Sat klo 10–18
Sun 28.11, 5.12, 12.12 and 19.12 open: 12-18.00.
&Bros A-J Silvennoinen & Elisa Konttinen http://www.andbros.fi/
aaaS Anni Arela ja Anu Saari
Alavalla maalla kalenteri 2011 Lahden ammattikorkeakoulun http://www.alavallamaalla.com/
Muotoilu- ja taideinstituutin valokuvauksen 2.vuosikurssin opiskelijat
Antti Asplund Antti Asplund http://www.anttiasplund.com/
Anu Halmesmaa
BFF Ansku Heiskanen
Bijou Noir Linda Hackman www.mtv3.fi/luukku
Colás Pilar Colás
design by Meri Malmi
Diana Luganski Diana Luganski http://www.dianaluganski.com/
First Crush Mari Himmanen http://www.firstcrush.fi/
Fungimaa Suvi-Tuuli Junttila http://www.fungimaa.com/
Hankala Petra Hankaniemi http://www.hundpark.net/
Helsinki Remade by Mottoform Elizabeth Salonen http://www.mottoform.com/
I Know Why No Aino Vainio http://www.iknowwhyno.com/
I Made This Tiina Palm http://www.tiinapalm.com/
ILOA Anu Salonen http://www.iloa.fi/
I.N.N.A. Inna Leppänen
Sofia Järnefelt www.myspace.com/sofiajarnefelt
Joonas Saari http://www.joonassaari.com/
Kaipaus Paola Suhonen ja Antti Eklund http://www.kaipaus.com/
KAKSITVA Marjo Kuusinen Piia Keto http://www.kaksitva.com/
Katariina Guthwert Katariina Guthwert http://www.katariinaguthwert.com/
Kirsi Nisonen Kirsi Nisonen http://www.kirsinisonen.com/
Kooky Gems Reetta Kiuru http://www.kookygems.com/
LIMBO Heini Lindström ja Riikka Lassila http://www.limbo.fi/,
Lustwear Hammi & Maikku Mettinen http://www.lustwear.fi/
Magisso http://www.magisso.com/
Merry-Go-Round Henna Soronen www.designmerrygoround.fi
Miia Halmesmaa Miia Halmesmaa http://www.miiahalmesmaa.com/
Minna Parikka Minna Parikka http://www.minnaparikka.com/
MirandaLingerie&TyraTherman Tyra Therman http://www.tyratherman.com/
Mirkka Metsola http://www.mirkkametsola.com/
MOIKO Mari Heinonmäki http://www.moiko.fi/
Outo Ville Lahtinen http://www.outowear.com/
PISTO Annika Rantala http://www.pisto.fi/
Polkajam Moona Tikka http://www.polkkajam.com/
Poola Kataryna Paula Kasurinen poolakataryna.blogspot.com
Ronya Anne Törnroos http://www.annetornroos.fi/
Super Yellow Anna Ahlholm/ Henna Valkama http://www.superyellow.fi/
Tero Kuitunen Tero Kuitunen http://terokuitunen.blogspot.com/
Youth vs. Future Janni Hyvärinen ja Laura Vartio http://www.youthvsfuture.com/
Ofelia Market
Kulttuuriareena Gloria
Pieni Roobertinkatu 12
December the 11th 12:00-18:00
The list of designers is not out yet, please find more information on the event here: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=140828512634254#!/event.php?eid=140828512634254
Ornamo Design Christmas Market
3rd – 5th December
In Ornamo Design Christmas Market you can enjoy sustainable consuming! Find the most unique design, handicraft and art pieces in town: professional quality in glass, ceramics, metal, wood, textile, jewellery and fashion items. Ornamo is the Finnish Association of Designers, and you can find ceramics, clothes, accessories, decorations, cards, bags, jewellery etc, and also meet the designers while doing your shopping!
Helsinki City Hall
Pohjoisesplanadi 11–13, Helsinki
Friday 11 am – 19 pm
Saturday and Sunday 11 am – 17 pm
Christmas Market at the Old Students House
This is one of the most traditional Christmas Markets in Helsinki held since 1980s. Here you can find traditional crafts, decorations, clothes, cards candles and Cristmas delicates from around 100 sellers!
Mon-Fri 11.00 – 20.00
Sat-Sun 11.00 – 18.00
Helsinki 10 Design Markets
Eerikinkatu 3,
00100 Helsinki.
Opening hours:
Mon-Fri klo 11–19
Sat klo 10–18
Sun 28.11, 5.12, 12.12 and 19.12 open: 12-18.00.
&Bros A-J Silvennoinen & Elisa Konttinen http://www.andbros.fi/
aaaS Anni Arela ja Anu Saari
Alavalla maalla kalenteri 2011 Lahden ammattikorkeakoulun http://www.alavallamaalla.com/
Muotoilu- ja taideinstituutin valokuvauksen 2.vuosikurssin opiskelijat
Antti Asplund Antti Asplund http://www.anttiasplund.com/
Anu Halmesmaa
BFF Ansku Heiskanen
Bijou Noir Linda Hackman www.mtv3.fi/luukku
Colás Pilar Colás
design by Meri Malmi
Diana Luganski Diana Luganski http://www.dianaluganski.com/
First Crush Mari Himmanen http://www.firstcrush.fi/
Fungimaa Suvi-Tuuli Junttila http://www.fungimaa.com/
Hankala Petra Hankaniemi http://www.hundpark.net/
Helsinki Remade by Mottoform Elizabeth Salonen http://www.mottoform.com/
I Know Why No Aino Vainio http://www.iknowwhyno.com/
I Made This Tiina Palm http://www.tiinapalm.com/
ILOA Anu Salonen http://www.iloa.fi/
I.N.N.A. Inna Leppänen
Sofia Järnefelt www.myspace.com/sofiajarnefelt
Joonas Saari http://www.joonassaari.com/
Kaipaus Paola Suhonen ja Antti Eklund http://www.kaipaus.com/
KAKSITVA Marjo Kuusinen Piia Keto http://www.kaksitva.com/
Katariina Guthwert Katariina Guthwert http://www.katariinaguthwert.com/
Kirsi Nisonen Kirsi Nisonen http://www.kirsinisonen.com/
Kooky Gems Reetta Kiuru http://www.kookygems.com/
LIMBO Heini Lindström ja Riikka Lassila http://www.limbo.fi/,
Lustwear Hammi & Maikku Mettinen http://www.lustwear.fi/
Magisso http://www.magisso.com/
Merry-Go-Round Henna Soronen www.designmerrygoround.fi
Miia Halmesmaa Miia Halmesmaa http://www.miiahalmesmaa.com/
Minna Parikka Minna Parikka http://www.minnaparikka.com/
MirandaLingerie&TyraTherman Tyra Therman http://www.tyratherman.com/
Mirkka Metsola http://www.mirkkametsola.com/
MOIKO Mari Heinonmäki http://www.moiko.fi/
Outo Ville Lahtinen http://www.outowear.com/
PISTO Annika Rantala http://www.pisto.fi/
Polkajam Moona Tikka http://www.polkkajam.com/
Poola Kataryna Paula Kasurinen poolakataryna.blogspot.com
Ronya Anne Törnroos http://www.annetornroos.fi/
Super Yellow Anna Ahlholm/ Henna Valkama http://www.superyellow.fi/
Tero Kuitunen Tero Kuitunen http://terokuitunen.blogspot.com/
Youth vs. Future Janni Hyvärinen ja Laura Vartio http://www.youthvsfuture.com/
Ofelia Market
Kulttuuriareena Gloria
Pieni Roobertinkatu 12
December the 11th 12:00-18:00
The list of designers is not out yet, please find more information on the event here: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=140828512634254#!/event.php?eid=140828512634254
Ornamo Design Christmas Market
3rd – 5th December
In Ornamo Design Christmas Market you can enjoy sustainable consuming! Find the most unique design, handicraft and art pieces in town: professional quality in glass, ceramics, metal, wood, textile, jewellery and fashion items. Ornamo is the Finnish Association of Designers, and you can find ceramics, clothes, accessories, decorations, cards, bags, jewellery etc, and also meet the designers while doing your shopping!
Helsinki City Hall
Pohjoisesplanadi 11–13, Helsinki
Friday 11 am – 19 pm
Saturday and Sunday 11 am – 17 pm
Christmas Market at the Old Students House
This is one of the most traditional Christmas Markets in Helsinki held since 1980s. Here you can find traditional crafts, decorations, clothes, cards candles and Cristmas delicates from around 100 sellers!
Mon-Fri 11.00 – 20.00
Sat-Sun 11.00 – 18.00
Design Market
keskiviikko 24. marraskuuta 2010
MOSA interiors: Welcome to the Winter Wonderland!
If you are a Christmas person, now is definetly the right time to visit MOSA interiors shop in Tapanila. The store is full of Christmas spirit and ideas for decorations in different styles. The over-all look in the store is a bit vintage-spirited I think, but you can also find traditional Finnish Christmas decorations as well as products that are in more modern style. Besides Christmas decorations, the store also sells e.g. furniture, candles, rugs, lamps, lanterns, pillows, soaps and much more.
The Store Layout and Displays
The store is situated in an old industrial building made of red bricks. The building has a unique atmosphere itself, and for the store it offers a very good environment. The space has enough height and the big windows with panes offer not only light but also nice home-like look the the store. Also the findow sills offer a good place for product displays.
The displays in the store are logic and attracting. The products in the midfloor are divided according to themes, styles and colours. In the midfloor I believe the products change more often and it's a place where season products are been sold. Every table display was like a new adventure: "What can I find here?". The only problem appeared to be that there was not always quite enough space on the tables for all the products, and some of the products were displayed on the floor.
On the left wall there are separate displays for candles, pillows and a shop for Watt&Veke lamps (http://www.wattveke.se/). These products are propably in the stock all year round, so they can have a more steady place. The products are easy to find from the wall, but the best selling areas are for seasonal products. I especially liked the candle display as the fixture was clearly designed for the products and the display was executed accordingly, by colours and by size.
In the back of the store is a cosy lounge in far east style, with seats full of different kinds of pillows. There were also Moroccan tea tables and lanterns on display in the lounge. In my opinion the lounge is a brilliant idea, it's a very experimental place for a customer and a good place to display products at the same time!
The Blogger Was Inspired by These:
About MOSA interiors
MOSA interiors (http://www.mosainteriors.fi/) is an interior design store in the heart of Tapanila in north-east Helsinki. The main part of their income comes from stock sales, but they also have this retail store in the same estate. MOSA interiors is situated very close to the Tapanila railway station, so you can easily get there by train, by bus or by car. The address is Viertolantie 2-4 B. The store is open under the Christmas on Tue-Fri from 4 pm to 8 pm, on Sat from 10 am to 3 pm and on Sun from 12 to 5 pm. I warmly recommend a visit!
On the same house there are also many studios of different kinds of artists, and a Pierre Cavallo knitwear store. I find the possibilities of this whole estate interesting: I think that it could work as a department store that sells the products of different kinds of small or medium sized craftsmen/women and designers! In my opinion this kind of store complex would suit just perfectly to Tapanila area, which is profiled as a living environment of creative people.
The Store Layout and Displays
The store is situated in an old industrial building made of red bricks. The building has a unique atmosphere itself, and for the store it offers a very good environment. The space has enough height and the big windows with panes offer not only light but also nice home-like look the the store. Also the findow sills offer a good place for product displays.
On the left wall there are separate displays for candles, pillows and a shop for Watt&Veke lamps (http://www.wattveke.se/). These products are propably in the stock all year round, so they can have a more steady place. The products are easy to find from the wall, but the best selling areas are for seasonal products. I especially liked the candle display as the fixture was clearly designed for the products and the display was executed accordingly, by colours and by size.
In the back of the store is a cosy lounge in far east style, with seats full of different kinds of pillows. There were also Moroccan tea tables and lanterns on display in the lounge. In my opinion the lounge is a brilliant idea, it's a very experimental place for a customer and a good place to display products at the same time!
The Blogger Was Inspired by These:
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This was definetly my favourite lantern in the whole store! I love the old-fashioned look it has, for some reason it reminds me of sea and storm. |
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I was really impressed with these Watt&VEKE's lamps! Aren't they adorable? |
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These black Christmas decorations would suit perfectly in my black bedroom. |
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I think I'll pack all the christmas presents in newspapers this year! |
About MOSA interiors
MOSA interiors (http://www.mosainteriors.fi/) is an interior design store in the heart of Tapanila in north-east Helsinki. The main part of their income comes from stock sales, but they also have this retail store in the same estate. MOSA interiors is situated very close to the Tapanila railway station, so you can easily get there by train, by bus or by car. The address is Viertolantie 2-4 B. The store is open under the Christmas on Tue-Fri from 4 pm to 8 pm, on Sat from 10 am to 3 pm and on Sun from 12 to 5 pm. I warmly recommend a visit!
On the same house there are also many studios of different kinds of artists, and a Pierre Cavallo knitwear store. I find the possibilities of this whole estate interesting: I think that it could work as a department store that sells the products of different kinds of small or medium sized craftsmen/women and designers! In my opinion this kind of store complex would suit just perfectly to Tapanila area, which is profiled as a living environment of creative people.
Interior Design,
MOSA interiors
maanantai 15. marraskuuta 2010
The Opening of First Crush and Belle Modeste Store
First Crush and Belle Modeste have opened together a store in the Design District in Merimiehenkatu 18. First Crush is a design brand with an innovative concept: the designer Mari Himmanen uses recycled paper to create wonderful design bags. Belle Modeste is a corset boutique that designs and creates unique made-to-measure corsetry and evening wear. They also sell vintage-style lingerie and corset accessories. Now both the brands sell their products in the same store.
The opening party was held last Friday in the new store.
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Lovely friends of First Crush's Mari Himmanen |
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The beautiful shop owners: Mari-Pilvi Junikka of Belle Modeste and Mari Himmanen of First Crush |
The Shop Window
The Product Range in the Store
First Crush does bags and accessories from recycled paper. You can bring your own special paper to Mari, and she'll turn it into a bag. Then you can carry your personal memories with you where ever you go! Mari had also made beautiful fashionable women's shirts from recycled mens shirts. They match perfectly with belts made of paper. The earrings complete the look.
Belle Modeste's product reange consists mostly of made-to-measure design wear. On the shop window there was one adorable example of their high-quality corset and evening wear making. You can also find vintage-style ready-to-wear lingerie in Belle Modeste's product range. The shop also sells Humbugi's accessories made of recycled leather and other vintage-style accessories.
Don't Forget!
There are some opening campaigns this week, so hurry so that you won't miss them! Visit the store before Nov 20th to benefit from the campaigns.
First Crush offers you all special ordered paper design products without extra costs (normally they cost 10-20 % extra).
Belle Modeste offers neck corsets in the price of 30 € (55 €) and they also provide a free under tube if you order a new corset in th eopening week.
Belle Modeste,
Ecological Design,
Event Design,
Fashion Design,
First Crush,
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