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Näytetään tekstit, joissa on tunniste CV. Näytä kaikki tekstit

maanantai 10. syyskuuta 2012

My Shop: Pin-Up Garage

Pitkän hiljaisuuden jälkeen haluaisin esitellä projektini, jonka parissa olen työskennellyt viime kuukaudet: olen perustanut oman lifestyle-myymälän Helsingin Tapanilaan. Oman vaatemyymälän perustaminen on ollut unelmani aina ensimmäisestä työpaikastani asti, jolloin toimin jouluapulaisena ruotsalaisen vaateketjun myymälässä. Nyt monien loppupeleissä onnekkaiden sattumien kautta minulla oli vihdoin mahdollisuus toteuttaa unelmani, ja tässä se nyt on: Pin-Up Garage!
Myymäläni valikoimaan kuuluu nimensä mukaisesti pin-up-tyylisiä nastenvaatteita, kenkiä, alusvaatteita, sukkia, kirjoja, asusteita, koruja ja sisustustuotteita. Myymälä sijaitsee vanhan autokoritehtaan kiinteistössä, joka on muutettu liikekiinteistöiksi. Nimi Pin-Up Garage juontaa juurensa siis myös kiintestön historiaan. Ja tokihan autot ja moottoripyörät ovat kiinteä osa fiftarikulttuuria, johon pin-upkin lukeutuu.
Tässä muutamia yleiskuvia myymälästä:

Myymälän valikoimaan olen valinnut paljolti sellaisia merkkejä ja tuotteita, joita ei juuri muualla Suomessa myydä. Esim. Bernie Dexterin ja emmy designin tuotteet ovat tällä hetkellä saatavissa Suomessa vain Pin-Up Garagessa. Muita merkkejä tällä hetkellä ovat HellBunny, Collectif, Pinup Couture, Leg Avenue ja omaa tuotantoamme olevat Pin Me Up ja Amalie B. Design.
Valikoiman punaisena lankana on naisellinen pin-up tyyli. Valkoiman sydämen muodostavat erilaiset mekot, joiden lisäksi valikoimassa on hameita, toppeja, neuleita, takkeja jne. Housuja myymälän valikoimasta ei kuitenkaan löydy.

Tässä lähikuvia esillepanoista ja tuotteista:

Myymälän sovitushuone on myymälän tyylistä poiketen ylellinen ja kunis kuin koru. Tilavassa huoneessa mahtuu hyvin sovittamaan vaatteita ja pyörähtelemään peilin edessä.


Lisäpalveluna myymälässä toimii myös ompelimo. Ompelimossamme on mahdollista teettää vaatteita mittatilauksena joko oman mallistomme valikoimasta tai oman mallin perusteella juuri se unelmie vaate. Autamme tarvittaessa asikasta myös suunnittelussa. Teemme tarvittaessa myös korjausompeleet niin myymiimme tuotteisiin kuin asiakkaan omiinkin vaatteisiin. Miksi heittää pois hyvää vaatetta kun sen voi korjata ompelemalla jälleen sopivaksi? Ompelimossamme on myös brodeerauskone, eli teemme ammattitaidolla myös brodeeraukset kaikkiin tekstiilituotteisiin.
Myymälämme sijaitsee aivan Tapanilan juna-aseman vieressä osoitteessa Viertolantie 2 B, alakerrassa. Junan lisäksi paikalle pääsee kätevästi myös bussilla. Pihalla on myös runsaasti ilmaista parkkitilaa.

Lämpimästi tervetuloa käymään myymälässämme!

Ma-ke 10-18
To-pe 12-20
La 10-15

Ja mikäli et pääse paikan päälle, verkkokauppamme palvelee sinua osoitteessa www.pinupgarage.fi.

Facebookissa Pin-Up Garage löytyy osoitteesta http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Pin-Up-Garage/375424772516684, liity sinäkin tykkääjiimme!

perjantai 13. tammikuuta 2012

Made in My Design Studio

Kun edellinen postaukseni koski työhuonettani, niin tässä seuraavaksi yksi työhuoneellani valmistamani työ: smaragdinvihreä juhlamekko 50-luvun henkeen. Materiaali on 100 % ohutta silkkisatiinia. Yläosaa koristaa isoäidiltäni perimäni helmirintakoru, joka mielestäni sopii kauniisti yhteen kaula-aukon valkean silkin kanssa.

The last posting being about my Design Studio, here's one design I made there: an emerald green party dress in 50's style. The material is 100 % sateen silk. The neckline is decorated with a beautiful pearl brooch I inhereted from my grandmother, and I think it works well together with the offwhite silk used as a contrast.

Smaragdinvihreä silkkinen juhlamekko / A Party Dress in Emerald Green Silk

Yläosan yksityiskohta / Detail in neckline

keskiviikko 28. heinäkuuta 2010

Design and the City - Pre-Cource Assignment: CV

I am attending a summer course "Design and the City" (http://www.helsinkisummerschool.fi/home/courses/design_and_the_city) in Helsinki Summer School this August. The first pre-assignment of the course was to write a short CV / Portfolio describing one's educational background, scholarly interests, and geographical history: where I lived and traveled? In which city am I studying right now?

My Curriculum Vitae

I am a 29-year old Finnish woman from Helsinki. I have always lived in Finland, but I have travelled in Europe and Asia, e.g. France, Italy, Great Britain and India. My hobbies are riding my dearly beloved Harley-Davidson motorcycle, photography and going to the gym.

After Matriculation Examination I studied Visual Merchandising in a one year course (1999-2000). I was also working as a salesperson in three different fashion stores at that time.
Right after the VM course was over I applied to Helsinki Polytechnic and was accepted to study fashion on fall 2000. The school lasted for four years, during which time I learned about fashion design, materials and fabric structures used in clothing, sewing, pattern making, grading and fashion marketing.

An excample of a fashion design assignment:  Sports wear collection I've designed for snowboarding
I also made various projects to different companies. For example I made fashion photo shootings and marketing for a Finnish childrens wear brand Kinderit.

Marketing campaign materials for Kinderit

I was also an intern in two companys during my studies. Anne Linnonmaa Ltd, which is an ecological fashion company, hired me to help with their marketing on summer 2001. The company had their 10th anniversary year back then, and my job was to photograph and make a presentation on their production process for Helsinki Fashion Fair and for their internet pages. In addition to that, I also made a Concept Book based on the material I had gathered for the presentation. The Concept Book was ment to presentate the whole concept of the company to the retailers and to help them sell the products to their customers.

Concet Book for Anne Linnonmaa Ltd

In addition to that, I made displays in Anne Linnonmaa Shop in Aleksi 13 department store in Helsinki, and made instrucyions on yhe display of the brand for all retailers.

A few examples of desplays i made for Aleksi 13 department stores in Helsinki
An example of a display instruction I made

The following summer 2003 I was hired as an intern to Sokos department store in Helsinki city center. There I worked as a Visual Merchandiser in all the departments, including window dressing for three months. Soon after the intern was over they hired me back there to work as a part-time Visual Merchandiser. I was still at school back then, so I studied and worked at the same time for the last school year.

An example of a display I made in Sokos

An example of a vetrine decoration for Sokos

I also did my graduation study for the Sokos department store. I studied the laws of Visual Merchandising from a perceptual psychology's view. I studied under which psychological laws do the customers percept in the department stores. I also studied about Sokos department stores' womens' wear private label profiles by interviewing various professionals who worked with the products in different parts of the value chain. As a result I made a display instructon for all the private labels in the womens department based on both perceptual psychology and the brand profiles. The aim was that each display instruction would communicate to the customer by visual means on the values of each brand (Aventura, Icon and House Collection).

I gratuated on spring 2004, and worked as Visual Merchandiser in Sokos untill the next fall when I got to work in SOK's purchasing company, Intrade Partners Ltd. There I worked as an purchasing assistant in school aged schildren's purchasing group for one year. My responsibilities were to handle the communication to our suppliers through our merhandisers in Southern Europe and Far East. I also handled the buying samples for marketing and our designers for commenting, and based the products to our database. For the last two months I was a caretaking buyer, which meant that in addition for all my other tasks I was also responsible for asking offers from our suppliers, pricing the products, making purhasing decisions and taking both visual and economical responsibility on the collection.

Year 2005 I got my current position in Sokos Chain Management's department of displays and space management. I began as a Space Management assistant, but after working for just half a year I got promoted as Visual Merchandising Designer. I designed retail consepts to our departments together with our shop designers, I made display instructions in general and accurate levels and designed the display methods for our renovating departments stores all over Finland. I have also teached Visual Merchandising and marketing in my ex-school, Helsinki Polytechnic Stadia (Nowadays Metropolia Polytechnic) and in Salpaus education center in Lahti.

Here are some examples of retail concepts I've been designing and displays iI've made for Sokos:
Health products retail concept for Sokos, 2006. Picture by Aprocos

Young Women's retail concept for Sokos, 2008. Photos 2008 - 2009.
Women's Fashionable Business Wear retail concept for Sokos, 2009.

Women's Fashionable Casual Wear concept for Sokos, 2009.

Aventura Private Label concept for Sokos 2007, Photo 2009.

Women's Classic Business Wear retail concept for Sokos, 2009.

Women's Classic Wear retail concept for Sokos, 2009. Photos: 2008-2009.

Women's Jackets and Coats retail concept for Sokos, 2009.

Women's hosiery displays for Sokos, 2009.

This August I was left on a studying leave to finish my studies in the University of Helsinki. I study History of Art as my main subject. My plan is to study visual culture, design, trend forecasting and marketing. My dream is to go for student exchange in Italy next year, and to work with art and design in the future.