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maanantai 10. syyskuuta 2012

My Shop: Pin-Up Garage

Pitkän hiljaisuuden jälkeen haluaisin esitellä projektini, jonka parissa olen työskennellyt viime kuukaudet: olen perustanut oman lifestyle-myymälän Helsingin Tapanilaan. Oman vaatemyymälän perustaminen on ollut unelmani aina ensimmäisestä työpaikastani asti, jolloin toimin jouluapulaisena ruotsalaisen vaateketjun myymälässä. Nyt monien loppupeleissä onnekkaiden sattumien kautta minulla oli vihdoin mahdollisuus toteuttaa unelmani, ja tässä se nyt on: Pin-Up Garage!
Myymäläni valikoimaan kuuluu nimensä mukaisesti pin-up-tyylisiä nastenvaatteita, kenkiä, alusvaatteita, sukkia, kirjoja, asusteita, koruja ja sisustustuotteita. Myymälä sijaitsee vanhan autokoritehtaan kiinteistössä, joka on muutettu liikekiinteistöiksi. Nimi Pin-Up Garage juontaa juurensa siis myös kiintestön historiaan. Ja tokihan autot ja moottoripyörät ovat kiinteä osa fiftarikulttuuria, johon pin-upkin lukeutuu.
Tässä muutamia yleiskuvia myymälästä:

Myymälän valikoimaan olen valinnut paljolti sellaisia merkkejä ja tuotteita, joita ei juuri muualla Suomessa myydä. Esim. Bernie Dexterin ja emmy designin tuotteet ovat tällä hetkellä saatavissa Suomessa vain Pin-Up Garagessa. Muita merkkejä tällä hetkellä ovat HellBunny, Collectif, Pinup Couture, Leg Avenue ja omaa tuotantoamme olevat Pin Me Up ja Amalie B. Design.
Valikoiman punaisena lankana on naisellinen pin-up tyyli. Valkoiman sydämen muodostavat erilaiset mekot, joiden lisäksi valikoimassa on hameita, toppeja, neuleita, takkeja jne. Housuja myymälän valikoimasta ei kuitenkaan löydy.

Tässä lähikuvia esillepanoista ja tuotteista:

Myymälän sovitushuone on myymälän tyylistä poiketen ylellinen ja kunis kuin koru. Tilavassa huoneessa mahtuu hyvin sovittamaan vaatteita ja pyörähtelemään peilin edessä.


Lisäpalveluna myymälässä toimii myös ompelimo. Ompelimossamme on mahdollista teettää vaatteita mittatilauksena joko oman mallistomme valikoimasta tai oman mallin perusteella juuri se unelmie vaate. Autamme tarvittaessa asikasta myös suunnittelussa. Teemme tarvittaessa myös korjausompeleet niin myymiimme tuotteisiin kuin asiakkaan omiinkin vaatteisiin. Miksi heittää pois hyvää vaatetta kun sen voi korjata ompelemalla jälleen sopivaksi? Ompelimossamme on myös brodeerauskone, eli teemme ammattitaidolla myös brodeeraukset kaikkiin tekstiilituotteisiin.
Myymälämme sijaitsee aivan Tapanilan juna-aseman vieressä osoitteessa Viertolantie 2 B, alakerrassa. Junan lisäksi paikalle pääsee kätevästi myös bussilla. Pihalla on myös runsaasti ilmaista parkkitilaa.

Lämpimästi tervetuloa käymään myymälässämme!

Ma-ke 10-18
To-pe 12-20
La 10-15

Ja mikäli et pääse paikan päälle, verkkokauppamme palvelee sinua osoitteessa www.pinupgarage.fi.

Facebookissa Pin-Up Garage löytyy osoitteesta http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Pin-Up-Garage/375424772516684, liity sinäkin tykkääjiimme!

perjantai 13. tammikuuta 2012

Made in My Design Studio

Kun edellinen postaukseni koski työhuonettani, niin tässä seuraavaksi yksi työhuoneellani valmistamani työ: smaragdinvihreä juhlamekko 50-luvun henkeen. Materiaali on 100 % ohutta silkkisatiinia. Yläosaa koristaa isoäidiltäni perimäni helmirintakoru, joka mielestäni sopii kauniisti yhteen kaula-aukon valkean silkin kanssa.

The last posting being about my Design Studio, here's one design I made there: an emerald green party dress in 50's style. The material is 100 % sateen silk. The neckline is decorated with a beautiful pearl brooch I inhereted from my grandmother, and I think it works well together with the offwhite silk used as a contrast.

Smaragdinvihreä silkkinen juhlamekko / A Party Dress in Emerald Green Silk

Yläosan yksityiskohta / Detail in neckline

maanantai 15. marraskuuta 2010

The Opening of First Crush and Belle Modeste Store

First Crush and Belle Modeste have opened together a store in the Design District in Merimiehenkatu 18. First Crush is a design brand with an innovative concept: the designer Mari Himmanen uses recycled paper to create wonderful design bags. Belle Modeste is a corset boutique that designs and creates unique made-to-measure corsetry and evening wear. They also sell vintage-style lingerie and corset accessories. Now both the brands sell their products in the same store.

The opening party was held last Friday in the new store.

Lovely friends of First Crush's Mari Himmanen
The beautiful shop owners: Mari-Pilvi Junikka of Belle Modeste and Mari Himmanen of First Crush

The Shop Window

The Product Range in the Store

First Crush does bags and accessories from recycled paper. You can bring your own special paper to Mari, and she'll turn it into a bag. Then you can carry your personal memories with you where ever you go! Mari had also made beautiful fashionable women's shirts  from recycled mens shirts. They match perfectly with belts made of paper. The earrings complete the look.

Belle Modeste's product reange consists mostly of made-to-measure design wear. On the shop window there was one adorable example of their high-quality corset and evening wear making. You can also find vintage-style ready-to-wear lingerie in Belle Modeste's product range. The shop also sells Humbugi's accessories made of recycled leather and other vintage-style accessories.

Don't Forget!

There are some opening campaigns this week, so hurry so that you won't miss them! Visit the store before Nov 20th to benefit from the campaigns.

First Crush offers you all special ordered paper design products without extra costs (normally they cost 10-20 % extra).

Belle Modeste offers neck corsets in the price of 30 € (55 €) and they also provide a free under tube if you order a new corset in th eopening week.

sunnuntai 17. lokakuuta 2010

Fashion Fair in Helsinki 15.-17.10.10

This weekend there was a Fashion Fair (http://web.finnexpo.fi/Sites1/Muoti/Sivut/default.aspx) for consumers held in Helsinki. Antother fashion fair in Helsinki, Finnish Catwalk, is for professionals and it's been held in August. I must say I had a bit too high expectations on this consumer fair. When I think that I go to a fashion fair, I expect to find fashion and new experiences there. Athough there were also great companies with very fashionable products and good design, most of the exhibitors' products were far away from fashion. The overall look was messy and unorganized, even.

The Blogger's Favourites:

Ecology was one big theme that can be found in the Finnish fashion world today. And it could be found in this Fashion Fair, too.


House of Eco had their own stand in the exhibition. One new brand I discovered was SavetheC (http://www.savethec.com/en/). They sell bags that are made of recycled boat sails! The company has established a sail recycling system that is first in Finland. The sails are made of polyester, so as waste they cannot be decomposed. When sails cannot be used anymore, it's wonderful that they no longer end up in dump. They can be re-used as bags!

The bags are designed by famous Finnish designers, Harri Koskinen and Paola Suhonen. Harri Koskinen designs more masculine bags as Paola Suhonen brings her feminine touch to the products. Here are some examples of Harri Koskinen's designs:

And here are some of Paola Suhonen's designs:

The lining fabric in this laptop bag is the same that has been seen in IVANAhelsinki's "Where the Fuck Is My Sailor" -collection by Paola Suhonen seen in New York fashion week

The details in all of these bags are authentic from the sailing world. The clips and fasteners are the same that are used in sails in real life. And all the leather parts are made of moose's skin, the same material that is been used in steering wheels of boats, as it is the only leather material besides deer that does not shrink as it gets wet. The feel of the leather is very soft and nice.

The company also donates part of it's revenue for a good cause: protecting the environment of Baltic Sea. A very good cause as Baltic Sea is the most polluted sea in the world. What a great product concept!

Globe Hope

Globe Hope is a Finnish ecological design brand that makes design products from recycled materials.  They has also made a laptop bag from used sails:

We Care Icon
Baltic Sea benefits also from We Care Icon's products. We Care Icon is a private label beauty brand sold in Sokos department stores and Emotion beauty stores. They donate 5 cents from each sold product from their Maremaid collection for the protection of Baltic Sea. Here are some pickings from the stand:

The beautiful packagings are illustrated by Laura Laine. We Care Icon had also happenings at their stand: they did make-ups and decorated nails, which brought many interested people to the stand.

Punainen Norsu
Punainen Norsu from House of Eco's stand presented a new product: a necklace made of nuts and recycled fabric. Find out more: http://www.punainennorsu.com/.

Gtie - TO TIE FOR!

Oh I found one new favourite with the Gtie! They make the most adorable neckware one could imagine! See it for youself:

Find out more: http://www.gtie.fi/, http://boutique.gtie.fi/
Antti Asplund

What I like about Antti Asplund's designs is that they are designed with imagination, without restrictions. Thay are not traditional, thay have a strong own look. These Antti Asplund products I had not seen before:

Nanso Lempivaate

Paola Suhonen's designs could also be seen in Nanso's stand. She and Nanso have co-operated since 2002, and this fall they have brought to the  stores a collection with a Feather rain print. Feather is said to be a symbol for magic, victory and freedom.

Thoughts About the Event
It is my huble wish, that when a brand comes to a fair, they would also put some effort to what and how they communicate to the customers with their stand. There were very few stands that had actually seen the fair as something other than a point of purchase. In my opinion, it would be recommendable that the brands would see the fairs also as an opportunity to communicate to the customers of the brand values and design their stands accordingly. Take Design District's stand for example: The companies did have a mutual signing system, but otherwise their stand did not send a message of high design. I'm sorry to say that from some parts it was more like a flee market. And yet this was one of the best stands in the fair, since the products were all absolutely great. What I really cannot understand is that you can find stands like this in a fashion fair:

I do love lace but... come on?

Finland is a country of fabulous fashion designers. Why is it that we cannot get together a decent fashion fair with quality offerings to the audience? I don't wonder why some brands don't want to attend to fairs like this. This fashion fair has no credibility as a fashion event. What kind of a miracle would it take to get together the best Finnish fashion brands for a real fashion fair with actual style and glamour?