torstai 29. heinäkuuta 2010

Design and the City Pre-Course Assignment 2 - Fennokraft's Five Corners Panels

The second pre-course assignment was to describe a design product linked to or made in the place I come from / the place where I study. It could be an object of common use, a piece of furniture, a piece of clothing… The meaning was to concentrate especially on:* How does the object evoke that place?* Which are the instruments used to communicate the place? Is it the use of a certain material? Is it the shape that the object has? Is there any narrative contextual to the object, which links it to the place? Is there any historic connection?

Fennokraft's Five Corners Panels

I was reading Finnish Design Yearbook 2010-11, when I came across to a Finnish company named Fennokraft. They had designed a wooden wall panel called Five Corners, which is a place in southern Helsinki. Its a crossing, where five streets meet each other forming an unique environment. It's a very well-known landmark in Helsinki. The area is higly respected and the appartments are very wanted in the estate market because of the location and the beautiful buildings.The houses in the five corners block are triangular and their form brings in mind the famous Iron House in New York, although the orginal is much sharper than the houses of five corners. These beautiful buildings are being illustrated in the wallpanels by Fennokraft.

Fennokraft is a Finnish design company located in Helsinki. The inspiration to their design products come from Finnish nature and mythology. "The unique history of Fennoskandia, it's geography and way of life, combined with it's art and design are the building blocks of what makes every piece unique" they state in their website ( "Fennokraft limited editions come in low limited numbers, with a numbered seal of authenticity, and once their number has been reached, no more will ever be produced" says their promise to the customers. The craftsmen and artists process the products in Lahti and Helsinki. Fennokraft's product range also includes skillfully made cabinets, tables, chairs and stools. All of their products are a combination of graphic art and furniture design.

The Five Corners wall panels are made of various wood and black ink. The drawings of old houses are printed in black ink on thin wood vaneer. The contrast between light wood and dark ink looks interesting and I think it works very well. The soft wood offers an excellent background to hard-looking ink.

The graphic line is tender and almost fragile as it is so thin. Still the illustration is powerful, thanks to the black colour of the ink. The houses are pictured quite detailled from the corners/fronts, but the sides of the houses are been pictured merely by lines. This brings the attention to the corners and allows the illustration to breath also bringing space and air between the houses. The houses kind of melt together in the backof each house, the horizone vanishes between the houses. When you look at one row it's almost like looking a panorama picture of the scenery.

The pattern is formed by five different drawings, which form the five famous corners of the place. The illustrations form rows and lines on the panel. Each illustration of one house then formes a diagonal line, which gives dynamics to othewise even forms.

The panels form a very strong element on the wall when used as a big surface in interiors. I think it might need a lot of space around it, and the surrounding materials and furniture might have to be very minimalistic so that the panels could be at shown it's best on the wall. I would find it very interesting to see an example of an interior decorated with these panels. I wonder what would the space be like in which these wall panels wold be shown in their best? Is it a flat or a public space? What kind of furniture and colours would it go best with? Would the space maybe be situated in one of the houses in five corners? 

keskiviikko 28. heinäkuuta 2010

Esittelyssä Jonas Hakaniemi - monipuolinen muotoilija Jyväskylästä

Jonas Hakaniemi ( on vuonna 1975 syntynyt muotoilija Jyväskylästä. Toimittuaan 15 vuotta graafisen teollisuuden parissa hän kouluttautui kalustemuotoilijaksi Lahden muotoiluinstituutissa. Nykyään hänen alaansa ovat tuotemuotoilu sekä tila- ja graafinen suunnittelu. Oman yrityksensä puitteissa hän tekee tila- ja kalustemuotoilua, yritysilmeen visuaalista suunnittelua, pakkaussuunnittelua sekä tilasuunnittelua mm. messuille. Jonas Hakaniemi oli myös mukana New Yorkissa toukokuussa järjestetyssä Streightforward - New Finnish Design -tapahtumassa (, (, jossa esiteltiin suomalaista nykymuotoilua.
Jonas Hakaniemi

Pääsin vierailemaan Jonas Hakaniemen toimistolle Kaija Savolaisen ja Aki Choklatin mukana. Kävimme tutustumassa hänen suunnittelemiinsa tuotteisiin ja kuulemaan miten matka New Yorkin oli mennyt.

Kuvassa Kaija Savolainen, Aki Choklat ja Jonas Hakaniemi

Jalkinedesigner Aki Choklat

Bloggaaja tutustumassa Jonas Hakaniemen tuotteisiin
Varmaankin tunnetuin Jonas Hakaniemen töistä on Design House Stockholmin( myymä Box Light -valaisin (kuva alla). Valaisimen ideana on se, että sen tarjoaman valon määrää voi halutessaan säätää sen mukaan paljonko valoa ottaa esiin laatikon sisästä. On kuin ottaisi valoa kauniista tulitikkurasiasta! Box Light-valaisimessa yhdistyy pelkistetty, kaunis muoto hienoon käytännölliseen ideaan. Valaisimen materiaaleina on käytetty alumiinia ja valkeaa muovia. Tämä valaisin oli esillä Straightforward -tapahtumassa New Yorkissa ja sai paljon julkisuutta - eikä suotta.
Box Light

Valon määrää voi säätää
Eelovin tuotemallistoon Jonas on suunnitellun Lamppa-valaisimen (kuva alla). Se on materiaaliltaan pelkistetty, henkäyksen kevyt ja ilmava, valoisan oloinen vaikka valo ei olisikaan sytytettynä. Lampun alaosa näkyy kauniisti valaisimen keskeltä, mutta valkoinen varjostin tekee valosta pehmeämmän. Materiaaleina on käytetty kirkasta ja valkoista akryyliä.


Kolmantena esimerkkinä Jonaksen töistä voisi esitellä Rasian (kuva alla). Se on kertopuusta, huovasta ja akryylistä valmistettu säilytin, jonka sisällä on akryyliset jakajat. Kansi on läpinäkyvä, jollon Rasiassa olevat tavarat ovat samalla näkyvissä kuin vitriinissä. Rasiassa, kuten muissakin Jonas Hakaniemen töissä, yhdistyy kaunis, yksinkertainen muoto ja käytettävyys ainutlaatuisella tavalla joka ei ole kopioitavissa.

Lisää Jonas Hakaniemen töitä on esiteltynä hänen omilla internetsivuiltaan (

Syksyllä 1.-5.9.2010 kannattaa suunnistaa Habitare -messuille. Siellä pääsee näkemään esimerkin Jonaksen tilasuunnittelun taidoista, sillä hän on yhdessä Janne Tyynismaan kanssa suunnitellut sinne Made in Finland -messuosaston (, jossa on suomalaisia huonekaluvalmistajia esittelemässä tuotteitaan.

Design and the City - Pre-Cource Assignment: CV

I am attending a summer course "Design and the City" ( in Helsinki Summer School this August. The first pre-assignment of the course was to write a short CV / Portfolio describing one's educational background, scholarly interests, and geographical history: where I lived and traveled? In which city am I studying right now?

My Curriculum Vitae

I am a 29-year old Finnish woman from Helsinki. I have always lived in Finland, but I have travelled in Europe and Asia, e.g. France, Italy, Great Britain and India. My hobbies are riding my dearly beloved Harley-Davidson motorcycle, photography and going to the gym.

After Matriculation Examination I studied Visual Merchandising in a one year course (1999-2000). I was also working as a salesperson in three different fashion stores at that time.
Right after the VM course was over I applied to Helsinki Polytechnic and was accepted to study fashion on fall 2000. The school lasted for four years, during which time I learned about fashion design, materials and fabric structures used in clothing, sewing, pattern making, grading and fashion marketing.

An excample of a fashion design assignment:  Sports wear collection I've designed for snowboarding
I also made various projects to different companies. For example I made fashion photo shootings and marketing for a Finnish childrens wear brand Kinderit.

Marketing campaign materials for Kinderit

I was also an intern in two companys during my studies. Anne Linnonmaa Ltd, which is an ecological fashion company, hired me to help with their marketing on summer 2001. The company had their 10th anniversary year back then, and my job was to photograph and make a presentation on their production process for Helsinki Fashion Fair and for their internet pages. In addition to that, I also made a Concept Book based on the material I had gathered for the presentation. The Concept Book was ment to presentate the whole concept of the company to the retailers and to help them sell the products to their customers.

Concet Book for Anne Linnonmaa Ltd

In addition to that, I made displays in Anne Linnonmaa Shop in Aleksi 13 department store in Helsinki, and made instrucyions on yhe display of the brand for all retailers.

A few examples of desplays i made for Aleksi 13 department stores in Helsinki
An example of a display instruction I made

The following summer 2003 I was hired as an intern to Sokos department store in Helsinki city center. There I worked as a Visual Merchandiser in all the departments, including window dressing for three months. Soon after the intern was over they hired me back there to work as a part-time Visual Merchandiser. I was still at school back then, so I studied and worked at the same time for the last school year.

An example of a display I made in Sokos

An example of a vetrine decoration for Sokos

I also did my graduation study for the Sokos department store. I studied the laws of Visual Merchandising from a perceptual psychology's view. I studied under which psychological laws do the customers percept in the department stores. I also studied about Sokos department stores' womens' wear private label profiles by interviewing various professionals who worked with the products in different parts of the value chain. As a result I made a display instructon for all the private labels in the womens department based on both perceptual psychology and the brand profiles. The aim was that each display instruction would communicate to the customer by visual means on the values of each brand (Aventura, Icon and House Collection).

I gratuated on spring 2004, and worked as Visual Merchandiser in Sokos untill the next fall when I got to work in SOK's purchasing company, Intrade Partners Ltd. There I worked as an purchasing assistant in school aged schildren's purchasing group for one year. My responsibilities were to handle the communication to our suppliers through our merhandisers in Southern Europe and Far East. I also handled the buying samples for marketing and our designers for commenting, and based the products to our database. For the last two months I was a caretaking buyer, which meant that in addition for all my other tasks I was also responsible for asking offers from our suppliers, pricing the products, making purhasing decisions and taking both visual and economical responsibility on the collection.

Year 2005 I got my current position in Sokos Chain Management's department of displays and space management. I began as a Space Management assistant, but after working for just half a year I got promoted as Visual Merchandising Designer. I designed retail consepts to our departments together with our shop designers, I made display instructions in general and accurate levels and designed the display methods for our renovating departments stores all over Finland. I have also teached Visual Merchandising and marketing in my ex-school, Helsinki Polytechnic Stadia (Nowadays Metropolia Polytechnic) and in Salpaus education center in Lahti.

Here are some examples of retail concepts I've been designing and displays iI've made for Sokos:
Health products retail concept for Sokos, 2006. Picture by Aprocos

Young Women's retail concept for Sokos, 2008. Photos 2008 - 2009.
Women's Fashionable Business Wear retail concept for Sokos, 2009.

Women's Fashionable Casual Wear concept for Sokos, 2009.

Aventura Private Label concept for Sokos 2007, Photo 2009.

Women's Classic Business Wear retail concept for Sokos, 2009.

Women's Classic Wear retail concept for Sokos, 2009. Photos: 2008-2009.

Women's Jackets and Coats retail concept for Sokos, 2009.

Women's hosiery displays for Sokos, 2009.

This August I was left on a studying leave to finish my studies in the University of Helsinki. I study History of Art as my main subject. My plan is to study visual culture, design, trend forecasting and marketing. My dream is to go for student exchange in Italy next year, and to work with art and design in the future.

tiistai 27. heinäkuuta 2010

Kesäinen tervehdys bloggaajalta!

Kesä on vierähtänyt vauhdikkaasti - ja todella helteisissä merkeissä. Olen lomallani kiertänyt moottoripyörälläni eri puolilla Suomea ja kerännyt materiaalia blogiani varten. Läppärini ei ollut mukana matkassani, mutta kamera kulki uskollisesti olallani. Joten aiheita piisaa ja pian saan taas kirjoituksia julkaistua!

Moottoripyöräni ja minä olemme vierailleet mm. seuraavissa kohteissa:
- Savutuvan Apaja Jyväskylässä
- Hannele's -sisustusmyymälä Leppävedellä
- Anu Pylsy Design Studio Joutsassa
- Strömforsin ruukki Ruotsinpyhtäällä
- Turku Design Now! -myymälä Aurajoen varrella
- Ruma-yökerho Jyväskylässä

Kuvia näistä kohteista olen napsinut yhteensä reilut tuhat, joten materiaalia on, voisi sanoa, reilunlaisesti. Kirjoituksia alkaa tulla sitä tahtia kun saan kuvat valittua ja muokattua.

Bloggaajalla on myös toinen uutinen: Olen jäänyt esillepanosuunnittelijan leipätyöstäni opintovapaalle 1,5 vuodeksi. Opiskelen Helsingin yliopistolla, pääaineeni on taidehistoria ja sivuaineet täsmentyvät syksyn aikana. Tavoitteeni on kuitenkin opiskella visuaalisen kulttuurin tutkimista ja kaupallisia aineita sekä trendien ennustamista. Ensimmäiset kurssini alkavatkin jo ensi viikolla. Osallistun mm. Design and the City -kurssille, jonka järjestää Helsinki Summer School. Tästä kurssista saan varmasti hyvää aineistoa tänne blogiini. Ennakkotehtävinä kurssille kirjoitan CV:ni sekä esittelen design-tuotteen, joka ilmentää paikallisuutta. Näistä aiheista on odotettavissa kirjoitukset viimeistään ensi maanantaina!

Tässä kuitenkin hieman ennakkoon jo tunnelmia siitä, mitä tuleman pitää:

Kuvat 1 ja 2: Anu Pylsyn design-tuotteiden tehtaanmyymälä Joutsassa

Kuvat 3 ja 4: Hannele's -sisustusmyymälä Leppävedellä

Kuva 5: Savutuvan Apaja Jyväskylässä

Kuvat 6 ja 7: Strömforsin ruukkimiljöö Ruotsinpyhtäällä

Kuvat 8 ja 9: Turku Design Now! -myymälä

Kuvat 10 ja 11: Ruma-yökerho Jyväskylässä